The lion is the feline that can live longer than the others, having a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years, but only if they maintain a balanced diet and the best care in captivity, for this reason they are beautiful specimens worthy of admiration. .
They must also eat enough to maintain both their size and physical appearance, being enormous animals that must have an average weight of more than 130 kilos for females and 200 for males, although the ones who provide food for the family are the females.
What do you need
- Nature reserve.
- Africa.
- India.
- Sanctuary.
- Captivity.
- Conservation.
- Exact weight and appropriate feeding.
- Protection.
Lions live mostly on the African continent, although there is also a smaller species that lives in India, however the weight is relative between the specimens of the continent and that of the other country, only presenting differences in males and females.
You can find the lion throughout the African continent, it is also protected by law, and so the hunting of these animals is prohibited, being found in forest reserves and open grasslands, near where they have abundant water.
How much does a lion weigh
- The lion of Africa like the one of India need a daily feeding of a prey that even doubles its size and weight or even more, for this reason the animals on which they usually feed are: Zebras or wildebeests; Antelopes and gazelles; wild boar and buffalo; baby giraffes ; elephant cubs ; Human prey (some).
- Size and weight of lions. Lions can grow to almost three meters long as well as 2 meters or more in height, so they must be fed well to maintain the weight of almost 200 kilos of a robust and strong young lion, as well as, of course, how healthy they should be. Be. The females. Its length is 2.5 meters and its height is an average of 1.50 meters with a weight of 140 to 150 kilos. The males. Its length is 3 meters or a little more and its height is 2 meters with a weight of 200 to 250 kilos.
- The day to day of the lion. The lionesses are the ones that usually hunt to feed the family; they usually do it in a pack and at dawn. Most of the time they sleep or rest in addition to taking care of the puppies, however they also do exercises that keep them active.
- The weight of the lion’s tail. The tail of the lions is very long, even in some it can reach the ground, ending in a fur like the mane of the head, having a length that varies from the female to the male of between 80 and 120 centimeters, reaching to weigh at least 10 to 20 kilos.
- Excessive weight. The largest and heaviest lion that has ever existed was one in captivity that weighed more than 400 kilos, which it obtained thanks to care and feeding, but in freedom there are very few that reach more than 300 kilos, however can be achieved.
- The genes. Almost all lions have the same coat colors, but as every rule has its exception, there is a white lion like the tiger has its own, but it is problems of genes and skin pigmentation of the same animals which come out with a different color. White in his fur.
- Nature is wise and maintains balance within its species; therefore it does not let the lion weigh too much.
- Look for information and learn more about the habitat of lions and their diet.