In the animal world we find any number of varieties of animals. One of the favorites for the human being, to have it as a pet, is the dog.
Within this category of animals, we find a wide range of options to choose from. There are dogs for all tastes and needs. You just have to identify which ones are yours.
For example, there are people who want a dog to keep them company. In that case, they need one that is affectionate, playful and obedient. One that may not be so big, so that the person can even sleep with it in bed, if they want to and it does not bother her partner. A dog that fits that description is the Terrier.
Now, in case you not only want company, but also need me to take care of your interests, the things you want most. That is, your valuables, but also your family members, what would be a good option to choose? What do you think of the idea of a Rottweiler?
It is a dog that, only its appearance, manages to intimidate. He has a very large presence in the home. So he won’t go unnoticed by anyone, including neighborhood criminals.
Dobermans, Pit bulls, and Rottweiler’s are typically dogs that have been labeled as dangerous. However, the reality is that everything will depend on the type of education they are given. Any dog, even an adorable Chihuahua, can become aggressive if that is what it is taught.
This article is dedicated to the Rottweiler’s. With it, you will be able to discover what its temperament is like, what care it needs how you can feed it and other very interesting data. Especially if you want to have one.
Instructions for Everything you need to know and features
Although Rottweiler’s are dogs that are considered dangerous due to their great strength and size, the truth is that they can be very sweet, tender and sociable animals, if they are educated from an early age.
As for the origin of the Rottweiler, they date back to the ancient Roman Empire, where they were used to control livestock, as pastoral dogs. Over time, they came to travel with the Romans to Rottweiler, in Germany, hence their name. While there, they were crossed with native dogs.
Since they traveled with their owners constantly, they were also used to protect their property. Now they were not only excellent herding dogs, but they also took very good care of their masters’ resources, which made this breed of dog gain recognition worldwide.
This reputation caused them to be considered for training as police dogs. The results of the tests were very favorable, which is why, even today, they are used as protection dogs.
Now speaking of their physical appearance, Rottweiler’s are large, stocky dogs. Males, naturally, are always larger and heavier than females. They can reach up to 50 kilos, while females do not exceed 42.
They have drooping lips, which makes them produce more saliva and look a bit slimy. His hair is usually short, hard and black. Breeders usually cut off their tails. So it is common to find them like this. Fortunately, however, this mutilation is being left behind faster and faster.
As for his behavior, as has already been pointed out, he stands out as a great shepherd dog. In view of his intelligence and his ability to be trained. Contrary to the fame they have acquired, Rottweiler’s are docile and calm dogs, which will easily obey the order you give them.
They don’t like trouble. On the contrary, they are very social dogs. Hence, they are commonly used as general protection dogs.
It is true that they are considered potentially dangerous dogs. But, his character will be forged depending on the type of training he is given. If traditional training is applied to him, which is based on negative reinforcements, he will develop fear and an aggressive character as a defense method.
The union of these two aspects, fear and aggressiveness, would make them a real danger. However, if they are trained with positive reinforcement, Rottweiler’s will end up being very docile and friendly dogs like any other dog.
It is also important that they are taught to play and be affectionate. One way to achieve this is by relating it to other dogs and to people. Since, by nature, they tend to distrust strangers.
If they are not taught to socialize, when they reach adulthood they can become a big problem. But, what is problematic about this breed is actually its great strength. Hence, it has to be educated correctly so that it is not aggressive.
The dog, like everyone else, usually reacts to what it sees. If you treat him lovingly, he won’t respond differently.
They are dogs that do not like solitude. If they are in this state for a long time, they can develop a nervous character. In that case, your reaction will be to rummage through anything, including garbage, or dig holes to see if you can discover something that might interest you.
They usually bark a lot, but they do this to get the attention of others. As a suggestion to keep him entertained, you can buy him a toy or a ball so he can play.
Now, what else should you know about Rottweiler’s? In the next subtitle we will be talking about the care you should give them.
What do you need for everything you need to know and features?
In general, this breed does not present serious health problems. Although it is usual for them to contract Parco virus. This could be fatal in puppies. However, you do not have to be alarmed if you constantly take him for a check-up with his veterinarian and if you keep him up to date with the corresponding vaccinations.
Since they are large dogs, you need to exercise them a lot. It would be a great advantage if you have them in large and open spaces, since they do not usually like small spaces.
If you take them for a walk, they will surely thank you very much and they will feel very happy, since they like to run and play for hours. They seem tireless! But the truth is that this favors them a lot because that way they avoid obesity, something common in dogs that eat a lot and have little physical activity.
As for his cleanliness, it is not necessary that you bathe him every day. You can do it once a week or when it is visibly dirty. For example, after a very active day of walking.
You also don’t need to comb it often. In fact, if you don’t want to comb it, don’t do it, although it is recommended. Since his hair is very short, it doesn’t get tangled easily.
What you should do very often is to clean its snout. As noted above, it has drooping lips, which makes it a reproductive machine for excess saliva. To avoid an unsightly appearance, clean it daily, if possible.
Finally, what else do you need to know about this breed? In the next subtitle you will be given some advice that you should take into consideration if you want to enjoy a good relationship with the Rottweiler.
Tips for Everything you need to know and features
The litters of the females can be from 8 to 12. That is, they are very prolific, so they usually sell a lot with these puppies.
Since, as mentioned above, if puppies contract Parco virus they can die, it is important that you inform yourself in time about when it is the right time to vaccinate them. This information can be provided by a veterinarian. Maybe the same one that monitors the dog’s pregnancy.
When they reach adulthood, Rottweiler’s tend to display a dominant and stubborn character. Also, by nature, they are not friendly dogs with strangers, especially when they are in a pack, as they tend to be very protective.
Perhaps from time to time you can hear them a strange noise that comes from the back of their throat. People often mistake this sound for a growl, but the truth is that it is quite the opposite. It is an indication that he is happy.
It can be compared to the purring of cats. This sound is produced, in general, when they are caressed.
Knowing that a Rottweiler is aggressive is very easy to identify, since his upper lip tends to curl, his ears point backwards, his hair stands on end and he produces a loud growl. This type of behavior usually occurs in specific situations. For example, when he detects a threat to himself or his family.
Keep in mind that they often can’t tell the difference between a game and a real threat, so this is one of the most common reasons they attack.
However, if you educate him correctly, with positive reinforcement, there is nothing to fear. You will enjoy your pet for a long time