When people decide to have a pet, they go with the idea of ​​having a dog, a bird, a cat among many others and end up with a beautiful goldfish, but what they do not know is that in addition to being beautiful and living in water fish require care How to choose fish as pets?
It is very difficult, but at the same time it has its tricks that you must put into practice when buying yours, so do not worry because we give you certain tips that will make your life a wonderful journey in obtaining a fish like you. Favorite pet.
For this reason, we give you several options so that you can choose the perfect fish for you or perhaps several fish and have the possibility of setting up your aquarium in the living room of your house, or in any room that you want to decorate with a marine style or invitation to the water..
What do you need to choose fish as a pet?
- Â Aquarius.
- Respirator.
- Filtered or purified water.
- Purifier.
- Tubes.
- Hoses.
- Stones.
- Sandstones.
Instructions for choosing pet fish
Fish are those little animals that are found in the sea and the river, but apart from all this you have the possibility of taking home exotic specimens as pets, as long as you know how to take good care of them and they receive what they need to survive.
In pet stores you will find many of them of different colors, species and sizes and they are usually presented as fingerlings or small babies, which when you take them home you will give color to the room where you decide to place them. Do you then dare to choose a fish?
How to have fish as a pet
- The environment. The environment where they are going to live is the main thing that you must take into account for the fish in your house, it is a terrarium or aquarium where it can swim freely and is also large and not those small round containers that look beautiful, but they are not the habitat ideal for you to have your fish. Paying attention at all times is the most important thing when it comes to having fish of different sizes in the same tank, so take into account the priority of making sure that the elements you need to make your aquarium have them all in one place.
- It is advisable that you do not choose the most striking or with exuberant colors, remember that they can also be provocative for the larger ones and therefore instead of having an aquarium full of fish, you will have food for those that outnumber the smaller ones. The elements that you place inside your fish tank will give the smaller fish a place where they can take refuge or even spawn, so you will not be in danger of running out of them when the larger ones are hungry and believe that they are their menu of the day. Learn what it takes to raise fish.
- The babies. If you are going to start an aquarium in your home and you want to have fish of different sizes and species, you should decide to get a fairly large team with which you can have the possibility of introducing them all, without them eating or feeding with each other.. The beauty of fish pets lies in the fact that they must be in an environment that provides them with the necessary oxygen to survive, as well as being clean and can be handled as they please, so do not think that the small container is an option.
- As we told you before, the space is the main thing to take into account so that it is beautiful and showy, that the tank is greater than 20 gallons, including the filtration system and the oxygen tank that injects the necessary for your fish to survive.. Remember it is quite a cumbersome job, but you have the possibility of keeping it always clean, with healthy fish as well as being hygienic, guaranteeing that everything looks wonderful, that is the importance of having fish pets, the space in this way.
- The filtration system. It is necessary to give life and health to the fish you have as pets, since they must be in a clean environment without bacteria, since otherwise you will not see your beautiful and striking fish behind the glass of your aquarium. The good thing about a marine environment in your home is that it can provide you with peace of mind without dirt and impurities, it is also the life of your aquatic pets, because it cleans and oxygenates the water, guaranteeing the life of the fish you choose as a pet.
- The charm. Fish are not usually within your reach to interact, talk, tell you about our problems or receive you when you get home from work, but they are at your disposal when you feel alone, since they offer a special charm and radiate positive energy. If you have decided to have silent water pet, to start your fish tank it is important that you keep in mind that they are freshwater and you have to stabilize both the temperature and the purifier, so you will not have problems giving the best to your little pet.
- Away from pets. If you have other pets in your home, the aquarium is a place that will cause them curiosity, especially when they decide to do their thing to see what is dancing or moving in that glass, for this reason they must be kept away from it. Likewise, children should not be near it since many times they tend to want to touch everything around them and they can end up making the aquarium fall or breaking any element that is essential for the life of the fish that you have in your aquarium.
- Fish for the aquarium. The temperature of your aquarium must be between 25 or 28 degrees so that the environment is optimal for your aquatic pets, also purified fresh water and if you are wondering what types of fish you can buy, we will give you a small list so you can choose:
- They are the most common and their name refers in English to the beautiful color of these little ones, which is gold. They are resistant, they also help to purify the water in your fish tank, because they tend to devour the remains of food that they get in the water or on the bottom.
- The name of these fish has to do with a kind of whiskers that protrude from its mouth. It helps to keep the aquarium clean since they also devour the algae that appear in it, it is also one of those that expel the eggs so that they hatch outside.
- They are easy to feed and keep in an aquarium, in addition to having beautiful bright colors that will delight the aquatic environment, so they can be an excellent option; also this presentation of colors is more frequent in males than in females.
- There are 25 varieties of this fish, which also because of its color will be an ideal pet for your fish tank or aquarium, being a close relative of the swordtail fish, so you will not have problems with one or the other within the environment you choose for them.
- Sword tails. Its name comes from the fin that looks like a sword, being very similar to one of these weapons, which is the anal one that males have and that of course at first glance seems to carry one of these elements, so if you join it with the previous one will look shimmering the space.
- They are found in various colors, predominantly white, black, with stripes, spots among others and usually like to eat food that moves in the environment or that is alive, calm and of course the ideal companion to have it with others in the aquarium..
- Very colorful and with its tail similar to a trail of feathers, it does not require much care, even if you think otherwise, since it is very strong and resistant, ideal for a small and peaceful environment to interact with other species in an aquarium.
- They are of an ideal size and with a calm character to coexist inside an aquarium with other species, in addition there is a wide variety of colors, sizes and shapes that will make the environment an extraordinary carnival, therefore if you decide on this one there is a choice.
- Piranhas how do you read it? These fish are peaceful and not like any myth that you have seen or read, they like to feed on other small live fish, although you must be alert when keeping them in your aquarium with other fish.
- In the wide variety of fish that you find for your aquarium, you have the possibility of choosing the one that can become your favorite pet as well as a companion for your evenings when you arrive tired from your daily activities, they do not speak but they are there for you.
- There are many more, but now you have to go to a pet store and ask the experts, what to do, what to buy to give them food and the care they should have, so you have the option to choose between the cat, dog, hamster and a fish.
Tips for choosing pet fish
- If you wish, you can have one or two non-fighting species in different containers to make the tank more attractive.
- Feed them daily with fish food that you will find where they sell everything for animals and pets.
- The water must have a temperature between 28 or 30 degrees, and if you wish, with a lamp towards the glass.
- Clean and change the water in your fish tank at least two to three times a week.
- Use clean, chemical-free water to keep fish healthy and energetic.
- The life expectancy of a fish is three years, so you can keep them for a long time if you give them the care they deserve.
- Go ahead and start the collection of fish for your aquarium today.